Sunday, September 5, 2010

Day three-breathe!

So, day three out of four leading into the full-on fall craziness! Yesterday, success in some areas; a nap, fruit market stock up, and bulk food stock up, night time/adult time outing. Focus on the positive:
*I did get a good start on the day and accomplished some things on my list
*My son had some fun times with friends and quiet time with me
*My husband fulfilled his love of football with the college opener
*Everyone else in my house but me has clean laundry
*We ran into some friends unexpectedly and had a much needed chat session to bring us back together

Why do I feel so lacking when it seems I did have several positive moments?
*Perhaps because I did not take very good care of myself - no workout
*Perhaps because some of the activities were me, on my own, checking off the list but not meaningful and not fulfilling
*Not sure I stopped to enjoy the moments
*Not sure I was always speaking kindly of others and trying to see the best in a situation
*Maybe feeling a little scared and anxious about the coming week; New job, new school for my son, return to long hours, seeing people I have not seen in a while
All of this pulsing through my system left me with little sleep and lots of racing thoughts.

For the rest of today I will do something different so that I do not feel this way again tomorrow:
*Starting now I will look for beauty; in figs, in a leaf, in the color of cinnamon
*Starting now I will pay attention to my son; his eyelashes, his voice, his curls
*Starting now I will give a compliment to each person I speak with; you smell yummy, you are kind, you are a great friend
*Starting now I will listen to listen and understand; tell me more, what do you mean, can you explain that to me...
*Starting now I will be a little easier on myself; you are a good person, you have a great smile, you love people, you are fun and silly
*Starting now I will do good things for my physical self; move, dance, roller skate, laugh, eat raspberries, drink water


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